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Introducere in QRI integrarea reflexelor primitive
Introducere in QRI
Introducere in QRI (15:48)
O sesiune de QRI (13:33)
Moro (9:11)
Fear paralesis (15:47)
Galant (7:11)
Cross ExtensoR (7:57)
Spinal Perez (7:00)
Babinski (7:04)
Punctele de tranzitie (5:39)
Reflexul tonic asimetric (7:51)
Bauer Crawling (2:35)
Babkin (4:24)
Frontal Release (4:13)
Hand grasping (8:18)
Stepping (6:09)
Hand Pulling (3:25)
Hand suporting (3:28)
Landau (3:58)
STNR (5:35)
Reflexul tpnic labirintic (5:30)
Head righting (8:00)
Incheierea (1:26)
Reflexul tonic asimetric
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